Pingu Wiki
This article's title is derived from Japanese, because it was never/still has to be localized to English in official sources.

"Baby-boy is a pain" is the third episode of Pingu in the City


Pingu starts off with Pingu watching the Soccer game on TV with kids playing soccer in the background. They get in his way, and Pingu gets hit in the face with a soccer ball. He takes it and tells them not to play with the ball inside because he's watching the game, a normal reaction.

They ask him if he wants to play soccer! He agrees and they all go outside. First they do their daily radio calisthenics, These kids don't seem too good at it. He laughs and does his Transformation into a soccer coach! He splits the group into 2 teams.

He tells them to start, and one of the players takes the ball with their hands. He hands him a yellow card. They try again, this time with the player kicking the ball. Another player kicks the ball right into the goal, but not before one of the player takes a tennis racket and hits the ball. Yellow card handed out. The game starts normally. Everything goes well. One of the players falls. Good thing Pingu can cheer him out.

they heared a horn honking. One of the players is about to get hurt by a unkown vehicle!! Pingu springs into action, stops the player, and awards him...with a yellow card. After that ordeal, one of the players goes back inside. They are trying to steal one of the donuts on the table. Yellow card awarded. They have to wash their hands first before they can eat anything.

Snack time! After they eat their donuts, they get tired. They start to fall asleep, so Pingu comforts them. The neighbor is playing loud music, so he stops him because the kids are trying to get to sleep. The neighbor soon after falls asleep, and starts snoring louder than the music!

Pingu goes back inside, and turns on the TV. Its way too loud. Red card Awarded for the TV, The parents get back home and see Pingu asleep with everyone on the sofa.



File:Pingu in the City- Baby-boy is a Pain (HD)